
Language contains two parts: receptive language and expressive language.

Receptive language refers to our understanding of what is said. Expressive language refers to how well we say what we want to. When language goes wrong, here are some of the warning signs you should be aware of:

  1. 1. Difficulty learning and retaining basic skills (colours, shapes, letters etc.)
  2. 2. Difficulty following simple commands
  3. 3. Poor use of pronouns (he, she, me I etc.)
  4. 4. Typically behind peers performance in class
  5. 5. Behaviour (typically if children do not understand their teacher, they become bored and find other ways to amuse themselves. This can be misconstrued as behaviour problems)

But language is not always so obvious. Language can also be very subtle. For example: body language and intonation. Simply changing your facial expression or tone can change what you say from funny to serious, sarcastic to heartfelt.